
Shop til You Drop

My successful weekend loot: All, Chanel

We all are familiar with that one random weekend in the middle of dreary March where you say "Screw this" and head speeding erratically to the nearest Bloomingdales. This particular variation of scenarios happened to me just this past weekend, where I made a beeline for the beauty floor, and had to drop my head when all those nice ladies sprayed perfumes in my face stood pitifully beside their overpriced counters, coated decoratively with murky rosemary and cucumber makeup removers and lash-growing mascara. Instead, I went to the Chanel beauty counter, and went officially crazy. I tried on all the candy colored lip glosses (they are SO shimmery and lucious), applied and reapplied 8 different foundations (I left looking like Snooki), and 'extended each and every lash' with the blackest of black mascaras. Meanwhile, a nice 20-something girl desperately grabbed products for me out of a million different compartments. By the end of my day, I had 4 lacquered midnight onyx bags swinging happily on each arm. That is what I call one successful weekend (do NOT try this. I spent over $300 and had to dread the consequences as soon as I left the store.) xox

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