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I was browsing the aisles of the almost-extinct Barnes and Noble, past the magazines of overly steroid-injected men and bridal look books, when I spotted the prettiest, most delicious looking novel. Obviously, what I had seen was It, the new journal/novel/concentrated population of doodles by "It" girl, Alexa Chung. In her eye candy packed piece (literally, there is an eye on the cover), Alexa states that her writing is a stream of consciousness and it takes us from her childhood to the present, giving us some insight into her style, friends, music and beauty; it can also be considered a coffee-table book jam-packed with random doodles and photos of god-only-knows-who, but who am I to judge. Alexa told Vogue in a recent interview, “I wrote it because I was bored and wanted to create something alongside hosting television shows”. This is not the most inspiring description of writing an author has ever had to contribute, but Alexa is certainly no ordinary writer, let alone ordinary girl. She is, in fact, "It". xox

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